const FlexBox = animus.styles({display: 'flex',}).asElement('div');
const Heading = animus.variant({prop: 'as',variants: {h1: { fontSize: 48 },h2: { fontSize: 32 },},}).asElement('h1');
const Heading = animus.variant({prop: 'as',variants: {h1: { fontSize: 48 },h2: { fontSize: 32 },},}).variant({prop: 'asVariant',variants: {h1: { fontSize: 48 },h2: { fontSize: 32 },},}).asElement('h1');<Heading as="h1" asVariant="h2" />;
There are cases where using multiple elements makes achieving a desired effect easier. In some cases we still want the containing element to be configurable to consumers with the same API.
To reuse the mounting nodes props without any additional changes you can use
to extract the prop types from the component for reuse.
import { ComponentProps } from 'react';type SquishedProps = ComponentProps<typeof FlexBox>>const Squished = ({children,}: SquishedProps) => (<FlexBox {}><Box flex={1} />{children}<Box flex={1} /></FlexBox>);
You can also extend the definition with new prop keys
/** With an extra prop key */interface GreeterProps extends ComponentProps<typeof Text> {name: string;}const Greeter = ({ name, }: GreeterProps) => (<Text {}>{name} - <Text>says "Howdy!"</Text></Text>);<Greeter name="Howdy Doody" mt={8} />;
In cases where you'd like to use a prop key that has already been reserved you can omit the key using the built in typescript generic Omit
type TextProps = ComponentProps<typeof Text>;interface OnlyOneSizeText extends Omit<TextProps, 'fontSize'> {fontSize: never;}
Prefer interfaces for omissions and avoid type alias intersections
❌type NewTextProps = TextProps & {fontSize: []; // Won't complain till you use it}✅interface NewTextProps extends Omit<TextProps, 'fontSize'> {fontSize: []; // Only ever `never[]`}